Lead pipe replacements
Construction crews work moving a boring device into place to install a new water pipe water pipe and replace an old lead based pipe in the Oakland Neighborhood, Wednesday, November 30, 2022. Chicago's candidates for mayor say they'd speed up the sluggish process of replacing pipes. Anthony Vazquez / Chicago Sun-Times
Lead pipe replacements
Construction crews work moving a boring device into place to install a new water pipe water pipe and replace an old lead based pipe in the Oakland Neighborhood, Wednesday, November 30, 2022. Chicago's candidates for mayor say they'd speed up the sluggish process of replacing pipes. Anthony Vazquez / Chicago Sun-Times

After months of back-and-forth between her family and the city, the lead pipe service lines in front of Gina Ramirez’s mother’s homes on the Southeast Side are finally on their way to being replaced.

Reset talks to the environmentalist about what this means for her family, and gets the latest on the citywide plan.

GUESTS: Gina Ramirez, Midwest outreach manager at Natural Resources Defense Council Brett Chase, environmental reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times

Lead pipe replacements
Construction crews work moving a boring device into place to install a new water pipe water pipe and replace an old lead based pipe in the Oakland Neighborhood, Wednesday, November 30, 2022. Chicago's candidates for mayor say they'd speed up the sluggish process of replacing pipes. Anthony Vazquez / Chicago Sun-Times
Lead pipe replacements
Construction crews work moving a boring device into place to install a new water pipe water pipe and replace an old lead based pipe in the Oakland Neighborhood, Wednesday, November 30, 2022. Chicago's candidates for mayor say they'd speed up the sluggish process of replacing pipes. Anthony Vazquez / Chicago Sun-Times

After months of back-and-forth between her family and the city, the lead pipe service lines in front of Gina Ramirez’s mother’s homes on the Southeast Side are finally on their way to being replaced.

Reset talks to the environmentalist about what this means for her family, and gets the latest on the citywide plan.

GUESTS: Gina Ramirez, Midwest outreach manager at Natural Resources Defense Council Brett Chase, environmental reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times