The Illinois State Capitol building looms over Springfield. Seth Perlman / AP Photo
The Illinois State Capitol building looms over Springfield. Seth Perlman / AP Photo

Lawmakers in Springfield reconvened Tuesday to continue the work of combing through the state’s budget plan. The budget is similar to what Governor Pritzker outlined in his address earlier this year.

Reset gets an update.

GUEST: Mawa Iqbal, WBEZ statehouse reporter

The Illinois State Capitol building looms over Springfield. Seth Perlman / AP Photo
The Illinois State Capitol building looms over Springfield. Seth Perlman / AP Photo

Lawmakers in Springfield reconvened Tuesday to continue the work of combing through the state’s budget plan. The budget is similar to what Governor Pritzker outlined in his address earlier this year.

Reset gets an update.

GUEST: Mawa Iqbal, WBEZ statehouse reporter