What’s it like going back to school as an adult in Chicago?
Karina Meza and Frank Logan went to the City Colleges later in life. They pose with Reset host, Sasha-Ann Simons.
What’s it like going back to school as an adult in Chicago?
Karina Meza and Frank Logan went to the City Colleges later in life. They pose with Reset host, Sasha-Ann Simons.

Going back to college as an adult can look a myriad of ways. Whatever that journey looks like, it presents both opportunities and challenges.

Reset learns about Chicago programs that creatively meets the needs of adult learners and hears from nontraditional students about their experiences.

GUESTS: Veronica Herrero, chief of staff and strategy for City Colleges of Chicago

Seth Green, dean of the University of Chicago Graham School

Frank Logan, music education student at Harold Washington College

Karina Meza, clinical case manager at the Wilbur Wright College Wellness Center; graduate of City Colleges

What’s it like going back to school as an adult in Chicago?
Karina Meza and Frank Logan went to the City Colleges later in life. They pose with Reset host, Sasha-Ann Simons.
What’s it like going back to school as an adult in Chicago?
Karina Meza and Frank Logan went to the City Colleges later in life. They pose with Reset host, Sasha-Ann Simons.

Going back to college as an adult can look a myriad of ways. Whatever that journey looks like, it presents both opportunities and challenges.

Reset learns about Chicago programs that creatively meets the needs of adult learners and hears from nontraditional students about their experiences.

GUESTS: Veronica Herrero, chief of staff and strategy for City Colleges of Chicago

Seth Green, dean of the University of Chicago Graham School

Frank Logan, music education student at Harold Washington College

Karina Meza, clinical case manager at the Wilbur Wright College Wellness Center; graduate of City Colleges