Nutrition Facts.
The nutrition facts of a bottle of a natural enhanced water beverage. Brenda Ruiz
Nutrition Facts.
The nutrition facts of a bottle of a natural enhanced water beverage. Brenda Ruiz

The Food and Drug Administration is proposing adding nutrition facts on the front of food packaging to help consumers build healthier eating habits.

Reset learns more about the proposed rule and the importance of understanding nutrition labels.

GUEST: Rochelle Trotter, entrepreneur, health coach, founder and CEO of R’Culinare Consulting

Nutrition Facts.
The nutrition facts of a bottle of a natural enhanced water beverage. Brenda Ruiz
Nutrition Facts.
The nutrition facts of a bottle of a natural enhanced water beverage. Brenda Ruiz

The Food and Drug Administration is proposing adding nutrition facts on the front of food packaging to help consumers build healthier eating habits.

Reset learns more about the proposed rule and the importance of understanding nutrition labels.

GUEST: Rochelle Trotter, entrepreneur, health coach, founder and CEO of R’Culinare Consulting