Erin Hooley / AP
Erin Hooley / AP

The first of three NASCAR races coming to Chicago through 2025 took over downtown before July 4, costing millions but potentially generating much more in economic benefits for the city.

does a cost-benefit analysis of the blockbuster event with a journalist and a sport business expert.

GUESTS: Jim Daley, investigative journalist and senior editor at South Side Weekly
Marc Ganis, president of Sportscorp, sports business consultant

Erin Hooley / AP
Erin Hooley / AP

The first of three NASCAR races coming to Chicago through 2025 took over downtown before July 4, costing millions but potentially generating much more in economic benefits for the city.

does a cost-benefit analysis of the blockbuster event with a journalist and a sport business expert.

GUESTS: Jim Daley, investigative journalist and senior editor at South Side Weekly
Marc Ganis, president of Sportscorp, sports business consultant