CTA green line
A Green Line train runs on the tracks. The Chicago Transit Authority has faced a number of challenges. Reset dives into these issues. Zubaer Khan / Chicago Sun-Times
CTA green line
A Green Line train runs on the tracks. The Chicago Transit Authority has faced a number of challenges. Reset dives into these issues. Zubaer Khan / Chicago Sun-Times

The Chicago Transit Authority and its leadership are under scrutiny right now for a bus driver’s death on the job, problems with an employment program for formerly incarcerated people, a controversial appointment to its board and service issues like “ghost buses” and long rail waits. Workers, riders and even Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker have been speaking up.

Reset discusses the issues with reporters and a transportation advocate and planner.

GUESTS: Manny Ramos, investigative reporter, Block Club Chicago

Lauren FitzPatrick, investigative reporter, Chicago Sun-Times

Morgan Madderom, lead policy organizer, Commuters Take Action; transportation planner on the Chicago City Council Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety

CTA green line
A Green Line train runs on the tracks. The Chicago Transit Authority has faced a number of challenges. Reset dives into these issues. Zubaer Khan / Chicago Sun-Times
CTA green line
A Green Line train runs on the tracks. The Chicago Transit Authority has faced a number of challenges. Reset dives into these issues. Zubaer Khan / Chicago Sun-Times

The Chicago Transit Authority and its leadership are under scrutiny right now for a bus driver’s death on the job, problems with an employment program for formerly incarcerated people, a controversial appointment to its board and service issues like “ghost buses” and long rail waits. Workers, riders and even Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker have been speaking up.

Reset discusses the issues with reporters and a transportation advocate and planner.

GUESTS: Manny Ramos, investigative reporter, Block Club Chicago

Lauren FitzPatrick, investigative reporter, Chicago Sun-Times

Morgan Madderom, lead policy organizer, Commuters Take Action; transportation planner on the Chicago City Council Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety